CrossFit Open 18.3 Tips

Welcome to week 3 of the 2018 CrossFit Open!  I have to say I really like the direction Dave Castro is going in this years Open.  Its been exciting to say the least. This one is going to be a separator with the return of the ring muscle ups.  Good luck to all the athletes competing.


2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups

Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches

Time cap: 14 minutes


Image Source: CrossFit Inc.

Barbell Central
Jessie Jaime
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Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

Jessie Jaime

Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

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