USAFF National Championships
USA Functional Fitness Championships are just around the corner taking place on Sept. 8th-10th in Colorado Springs, Colorado. USA Functional Fitness (USAFF) is the national governing body for competitive functional fitness in the United States of America. They’re an official member of the International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) whose purpose is to bring functional fitness to the Olympics. The top 12 men and women overall will earn a spot on the first ever Functional Fitness USA National Team.
The event takes place the same weekend as the Kill Cliff Granite Games. We know Matt Fraser will be in attendance at the Granite Games so we can count him out as a USA National Team representative. We reached out to USAFF and a few Games/Regional athletes competing will be Sean Sweeney, Joey Kimdon, Emily Pale, Karla Solum, Chelsea Nicholas and Ken Battison. We’re not sure why this is happening on the same weekend as one of the highest paying competitions in the US outside of the CrossFit Games. Maybe it was just bad timing. We hope next year the organizers of these major competitions reach out to each other to avoid competing against each other. As fans we want to see the best athletes compete at all the top competitions. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.
USA Functional Fitness Championships Tests
Test 1: Aerobic Capacity
For Time:
- Run 800 meters
- Rest 90 sec
- Run 800 meters
Test 2: Maximal Strength
For Total Load:
In 5 minutes find your max weight for the complex
- 1 ground to shoulder + 3 front squats
Test 3: Bodyweight Endurance
5 Rounds For Time:
- 500 meter row
- 12 unbroken Toes to Bar
- 20 Handstand Pushups
Time-cap: 22 min.
Test 4: Bodyweight Skill
For Time:
- 50 ft Handstand walk
- 1 L Sit Rope Climb
- 50 ft Handstand walk
- 2 L Sit Rope Climb
- 50 ft Handstand walk
- 3 L Sit Rope Climb
- 50 ft Handstand walk
- 4 L Rope Climb
- 50 ft Handstand walk
Time Cap: 13 mins
Test 5: Mixed Modal
For Time:
- 45 Lateral burpees box jump overs 24″/20”
- 60 Deadlifts 79kg/60kg (175#/135#)
- 75 Wallball shots 9kg/6kg (20#/14#) all athletes to a 10 foot target
Time Cap: 15 mins
Test 6: Power
For Time:
- 13 Snatch (any style) – 70kg/52kg (155lbs/115lbs)
- 90 Double Unders
Time-cap: 3 min

Jessie Jaime
Fitness is my life! My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.
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