2018 CrossFit Games Schedule

CrossFit HQ just released the dates for the upcoming 2018 season. Check it out.


Stage 1: THE OPEN

Five Weeks – February 22nd – March 26th

18.1 – February 22-26

18.2 – March 1-5

18.3 – March 8-12

18.4 – March 15-19

18.5 – March 22-26

Registration for the open begins Thursday, January 11th, 2018.



Thursday – Monday — April 19th – 23rd

The top 200 masters and teenagers from each division will be invited to compete in the four day, online competition. The qualifier will decide the 20 fittest masters and teenagers from every division who will receive a ticket to the Games.



Three Weeks: May 18th – June 3rd

Week 1: May 18th – 20th, 2018

East Regional, Europe Regional and South Regional

Week 2: May 25th – 27th, 2018

Central Regional, West Regional and Latin America Regional

Week 3: June 1st – 3rd, 2018

Atlantic Regional, Meridian Regional and Pacific Regional


Stage 3: THE GAMES

August 1st – 5th, 2018

For the second year in a row, the Crossfit Games will be held at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin.


For more information visit games.crossfit.com.

Image Source: CrossFit, Inc

Barbell Central
Jessie Jaime
Writer at  | Website

Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

Jessie Jaime

Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

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