New Standards For The 2018 CrossFit Open

The 2018 Open is starting in just five days and we’d thought it be a good idea to remind everyone of the new changes to the movement standards.  With the release of 18.0, everyone was made aware of the changes to the movement standards involving dumbbell snatches and burpees.  CrossFit HQ recently release new standards on hand protection that a lot of athletes still don’t now about.  Here are all the new standards:

Hand Protection:

Athletes may wrap tape around the pull-up bar OR wear hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.), but they may not tape the bar AND wear hand protection.

Dumbbell Snatches:

Athletes are no longer allowed to switch hands at the top.  Athlete must bring the dumbbell below eye level before switching their hands in-between reps.  Switching above eye level will result in a no-rep.


Stepping up or down on burpees will no longer be allowed for RX.  Athletes must jump down with both feet and jump back up with both feet.

Barbell Central
Jessie Jaime
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Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

Jessie Jaime

Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

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