2017 International Functional Fitness Federation Championship Events
Starting October 21st, various countries from around the world will send their athletes to represent their nation in a 2-day competition featuring both Team and Individual Medley formats. Day 1 will feature 3 individual events while Day 2 will feature 6 individual and team events.
Individual Events:
Test 1 – Aerobic Capacity:
- Row 250 meters
- Rest 30 seconds
- Row 500 meters
- Rest 30 seconds
- Row 750 meters
- Rest 30 seconds
- Row 1000 meters
Test 2 – Strength
In 6 minutes find a max load for the following complex:
- 8 unbroken squat cleans
Test 3 – Bodyweight Endurance
For Time:
- Run 400 meters
- Handstand Walk 30 meters
- Run 400 meters
- Handstand Walk 60 meters
- Run 400 meters
- Handstand Walk 90 meters
- Run 400 meters
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Test 4 – Bodyweight Skill
For Time:
- 14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Alternating Pistols
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Test 5 – Mixed Modal
For Time:
- 150 Double Unders
- 10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 100/70kg
- 30 Toes-to-Bar
- 10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 100/70kg
- 150 Double Unders
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Test 6 – Power
For Time:
- 15 Thrusters 50/35kg
- 18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- 21 Calories on the bike
Time Cap: 3 minutes
Team Events:
Test 1 – Aerobic Capacity
For Time:
- 5 x 500 meter run
Time Cap: 13 minutes
Test 2 – Strength
10 minutes for all athletes on the team to find their 3 rep max Thruster
Test 3 – Bodyweight Capacity
For Time:
- 112 Ring Muscle Ups
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Test 4 – Team Strategy
For Time:
- Row 500 meters
- 8 Rope Climbs
- 30 Burpee Box jump over (24in)
- 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (30kg)
- 200 Double Unders
- 30 Deadlifts (100 kg)
- 10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (100 kg)
- Row 500 meters
Time Cap: 14 minutes
Test 5 – Mixed Relay 1
For Time:
- 30 Handstand Push-ups
- 30 Ground-to-Shoulder (42/30kg)
Time Cap: 7 minutes
Test 6 – Mixed Relay 2
For Time:
- 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- 30 Thrusters (42/30kg)
Time Cap: 7 minutes
For movement standards and regulations visit the iF3 website.
Image Source: iF3

Jessie Jaime
Fitness is my life! My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.
I wanted to share with you something I created – the Home & Travel WOD Generator.
It’s a free web page that will randomly provide one of hundreds of no-gym, no-equipment hotel and home friendly workouts. It also has a built-in timing function for Tabata, AMRAP, EMOM, or a plain stopwatch. It includes many classic CrossFit bodyweight WODs.
It can be found at:
This is a great tool you can provide to your members during the upcoming busy fall months – for those that may be on vacation, traveling for the holidays, or otherwise unable to make it to class. The web page is free, and will always be free – no ads, no pop-ups, no ask for an email address.
If you think this would be of use for your members, would you consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter, posting a link on your WOD blog, or maybe in any “resources” pages you may have?
Thanks in advance,