Reddit AMA with Dave Castro on Aug. 24th

Dave Castro just announced via his Instagram story that he will host an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on August 24th on Reddit.  A time hasn’t been posted yet but we’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.  Get your questions ready redditors.  Hopefully he’ll reveal the changes to next years regionals format.

UPDATE:  The AMA will take place at 7:00 pm Eastern time at /r/crossfit/.

Barbell Central
Jessie Jaime
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Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

Jessie Jaime

Fitness is my life!  My blog posts will feature fitness news along with my personal accomplishments and struggles in the world of Crossfit and gymnastics.

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